New MNDoT Signage Recognizes Native Territory

More than a decade after their initial request, three Ojibwe Tribal Nations will have the boundaries of their 1854 treaty with the United States acknowledged on state highways. Feven Gerezgiher reports

Soul Birth

After a tumultuous week, we’re joined by one of the only Black male doulas in the state, William Moore. With a high percentage of Black women still dying from difficulties during birth, the importance of community advocates is more crucial now than ever.

Charter Schools Present Options, Problems

Text Charter school handwritten on sheet of notebook

Critics of charter schools say they are draining funding from school districts; proponents say they are providing much needed options to traditional education. Feven Gerezgiher reports.

Soul Diversified

In this episode, Anthony and Georgia touch base around the recent election and ballot questions in the twin cities and check-in with Sharon Smith-Akinsanya who is a leader in Diversity Equity and Inclusion